22 April 2008

Moving, Blogging Hiatus and the Middle East

As was mentioned in the previous post, we are moving soon...Saturday, actually. On top of that, right now is the end of the semester, so I am insanely busy finishing up a paper on Elie Wiesel, working on some journals for two other classes, finishing my credo (which is what I believe, right now anyway, on topics such as christology, pneumatology, eschatology, ecclesiology, etc.) and getting ready for exams.

Due to all of this going on right now I have not been blogging lately and probably will not be blogging for a few more days. 

After which, though, I will begin to ramp it up again. Hopefully this will include some insights/excerpts from my research on the use of silence in Elie Wiesel's Night and some anticipatory posts for mine and Trinity's upcoming trip to Egypt, Jordan and Israel.

Stay tuned.