This morning in church my pastor made a comment that made me stop and think for a bit. He was talking about how a church should be a home for people and in the course of saying what a church should be he said,
"The church should be a place where we can bare our souls."
As I thought about that more I began to wonder how true that was. Church has never really been a place that I felt like I could bare my soul. I then wondered if other people felt the same way, because I understand that I am a pretty private person and do not bare my soul to very many people. I am very protective of my soul.
My question to you: is church a place where you can bare your soul? If yes, why? If not, do you have a place or people with whom you can bare your soul. I'm very interested in hearing your responses.
i go to a youth ministry. i am now working with the staff instead of just being a kid coming to the ministry. they are very close friends of mine, and with each one i can bare a somewhat different aspect of who i am to each person there. it is an outreach for the kids of my town whose parents are not interested in taking them to church, and these kids are very impressionable and young. the closeness of the friendships of those of us who have been around for awhile gets expanded to all of the kids.
i would say that anyone can bare their soul here. not everyone understands things the same way, and not everyone is able to help each other through everything with thoughts or advice, but we are there for each other and spend lots of time together and talk our issues out.
an atmosphere like this encourages people to be painfully open even when they aren't in that same setting, and i find myself being more open to being myself around people i work with and my family. the thing is, they are bewildered at first when they realize i am trusting them so much, but then they start to be the same to me and IT SPREADS.
one thing that can hurt the trust sometimes is when somebody you look up to and also choose to trust laughs in your face.
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